Voter Roll Discrepancies in Miami-Dade County, FL

As you may have seen the media exposure surrounding the inaccurate voter rolls in Miami ( you can rest assured that our CCDF-Florida team has taken action and decided to test the rolls in all eight of our CCDF-USA Florida counties. The team has acquired these voter rolls, and they are utilizing a partnering organization to verify with the United States Postal Service that they are accurate for each county.

We at CCDF-USA have a strict internal policy on how to deal with things like this that arise, to keep our efforts professional, and to follow the appropriate chain of command. We call it the “Matthew 18 Model.” It starts with going to the first point of contact, to resolve the issue, then escalating it from there. Our county directors are following this process by first bringing these voter rolls to their local Supervisor of Elections (SOE) office to resolve the issue. We will inform you on all inaccuracies that are found, and what the outcome of the meeting with each SOE was. Stay tuned to this story, as we have already been shown that some of these voter rolls are in fact, inaccurate. Our state team is working diligently with state leaders on this initiative and our county directors are also going through the appropriate steps outlined above. MUCH more to come on this!

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