Osceola County Resident’s Appeal Prevails!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASESAINT CLOUD, FL (August 22, 2023) – Supported by the National Freedom of Information Coalition and the Florida First Amendment Foundation, Osceola County resident Josh Meyers, in April 2020, challenged Osceola County’s use of secret meetings, which violated both the spirit and the text of Florida’s robust Sunshine Laws.The County had issued a state of emergency during the early days of the pandemic. The County then took the leap that it was entitled to hold secret meetings and prevent the public at large from watching their government at work.Today, a panel of three judges from the Sixth DCA in Lakeland released a Per Curium decision affirming the November 2021 decision by Circuit Court Judge Robert Egan which included a Declaration that Osceola County violated the Sunshine Law and a Permanent Injunction enjoining the County from violating the Sunshine Law in the future.The county has 15 days to file a Motion for Rehearing, if it decides to do so. “If the county chooses to file a motion, I look forward to defending against it”, Josh Meyers said.McCland Law. P.A. of Kissimmee, FL handled the initial stages of the Circuit Court proceedings and Weber, Crabb and Wein, P.A of St. Petersburg, FL handled the end of the Circuit Court proceedings as well as successfully defending the Final Judgment on Appeal.“Today is a major victory for citizens of Osceola County and hopefully the Osceola County Board of Commission will finally take notice that they work for the people of Osceola County and must conform to State Laws”, Josh Meyers said.