We are officially approved to launch our CCDF-USA Nassau Chapter! We met all of the requirements including raising the initial $50,000 and establishing our leadership team. The $50k raised stays right here in Nassau county to support our local initiatives.

Thanks to so many Nassau County residents and other supporters who believe that we need an organization in Nassau County to protect freedoms, protect our children, adhere to our founding documents and support government transparency. So many have stepped up to volunteer and contribute – many thanks to all.  This was truly a community effort of many!

We are now establishing our local teams and leadership, engaging volunteers, scheduling small group meetings to increase awareness, leveraging national support and focusing on our local issues that need to be addressed. Future fundraising will be focused on monthly contributions to support operations along with one time contributions.

If you would like to get involved, please call or email me. A little help from everyone goes a long way!