Our youth are our future – send them to Leadership Congress

The premier training ground for young American Patriots

Focusing on leadership training

combined with the most realistic, simulated legislative sessions in America, students leave with the Principles, Strategies, and Skills to lead their generation and our nation with character and courage.


Southeast Leadership Congress – registration link

Students who attend a Regional or National Leadership Congress will:

  • Participate in the nation’s most realistic, simulated legislative session at state capitols across the country.
  • Be equipped to confront major issues of the day with Biblical, Historical, and Constitutional principles.
  • Develop leadership skills required to change the culture with character, courage, and purpose.
  • Learn how to apply civics with our founding fathers’ philosophy of governance.
  • Build lasting friendships with other young men and women who desire to be salt and light in the world.

Leadership Congress is a life-changing event that will leave you inspired, entertained, and educated into action to live out your purpose.

Share with your high school and college age students.  There are scholarships for Florida Residents!

Registration link.